Core Sections

The Programme will support the implementation of the most innovative and potentially profitable proposals with small grants to test the feasibility of business ideas. Thereafter, the successfully tested business ideas will become a reality through the development of a business plan to access further financing to execute the business efficiently and effectively. Four hundred (400) young people will have the opportunity to access the test grant.

The two types of grants are:

  • First Push or Test Grant- The aim is to finance short-term objectives (activities that are practical and yield the desired result e.g., booth space, product testing etc.) towards implementing a business venture. Individual per initiative: $2,688.20 XCD ($1,000 US); Group Proposals $6,720.50 XCD ($2,500 US); Each beneficiary must contribute 5% in cash or in kind.
  • Business Grant – This grant is to finance the long-term objectives of the business venture. Individuals can access up to $25,000 XCD ($9,300 US) per initiative; The grant amount for groups is a maximum of $80,6464.00 XCD ($30,000 US). Each beneficiary will be required to contribute10% of the grant amount (5% in cash and 5% in-kind).

NB: Although the grant ceiling is $80,646.00XCD; to access financing, the maximum individual limit per initiative of $25,000 XCD is multiplied by the number of people in a group hence groups can only access up to 75, 000 XCD. Funds will be disbursed directly to the input supplier.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Have a commercially viable business
  • Be either registered or incorporated or be willing to register the business name
  • Be operating in the priority sectors as listed below
  • Be registered with the Inland Revenue Division where applicable
  • Be registered with the National Insurance Scheme
  • Have financial records for at least two (2) years

Selection Criteria

  • Be established and operating for at least three (3) years
  • Consent to a business diagnosis/operational audit
  • Be in good standing or have satisfactory arrangements for payment of financial obligations that directly affect the operations of the business e.g. taxes, licenses, permits etc.



Technical Assistance

Handholding Support for 2-3 Years

Priority Sectors

Selected MSMEs should be in the following priority sectors though not limited to:




Health & Wellness

Information Communication Technology



